Getting to know fabric buildings
Excellent structures to cover large areas
Fabric buildings are a great choice if you’re looking for a multipurpose building solution that offers quality and durability.
Our tension membrane structures offer an open-span design that can be assembled in less time than traditional buildings and can be easily relocated. Unlike wood-built construction, steel buildings, concrete, tilt-slab buildings or brick-and-mortar structures, our custom build structures have minimal foundation requirements and drastically reduce construction schedules.
The fabric tent systems we sell are designed for rapid setup with minimal labor, equipment, and tool requirements. Our tensioned fabric buildings are engineered to meet local and international building codes for safety.

Is it expensive to buy fabric buildings?
Not really. Although our fabric buildings are built with top-of-the-line materials, they aren’t really pricy. If we were to calculate the average price per cubic foot, it wouldn’t even get over an USD per ft3, and the larger the fabric building is the cheaper it gets per ft3 (and that is without taking into consideration the marvelous discounts we have for you).
How long do fabric buildings last?
They last anywhere between 15 to 25 years, it all depends on the conditions you keep them in. Even though they are very durable, cleaning them from time to time wil keep them in optimal conditions longer.
What are the most common uses for fabric buildings?
Quick-to-install shelter
Smaller fabric buildings are a great options if you are looking for a simple yet useful structure to cover small areas. Their simplicity guarantees you’ll have a covered up area in no time.
Garages & vehicle storage
They are perfect for places like driveways, boat parking spots or gardens. You can turn almost any space into a garage with these structures. Use them to protect your vehicles or machinery from sunrays or rain.
Crops sheltering
Larger fabric buildings work perfectly when you need to have crops sheltered from outside conditions. You can also use them as farming storage.
Livestock sheltering
You can use them to provide your lifesotck with a cozy and safe place to rest from sun or rain. We offer a wide variety of options for you to choose the one that fits your needs.
Hay storage building
Our hay storage buildings are more of your hardcore storage units for big trucks pallets, merchandise, and other similar goods. It will keep your storage safe from different weather conditions.
Working areas
These buildings turn any empty space into a spacious and safe place to work. They can be configured with any combination of windows, personnel doors, equipment doors, and hangar doors.